Following A Flush on the Internet

Wednesday, 6. February 2013

[ English ]

Chasing a flush on line – Sometimes the numbers just do not add up!

There is an age old debate in poker – should you chase a flush? Initial of all we should define what we imply here by "chasing a flush on-line."

Chasing anything in Holdem poker may be the practice of wagering to stay in a hand in the hope that you just will generate a far better hands, even despite the fact that you may possibly have absolutely nothing at the time. So chasing a flush means gambling that you simply will have the card or card that you simply must complete your flush hand about the turn or river. You can’t chase a flush before the flop because at that time you only have 2 cards so the flush is not on.

So let us say you are wagering one of the huge poker web sites on-line, you’ve been dealt the Ace and nine of spades and you have paid to see the flop.

The flop is 2s 7s King of diamonds and one of your opponents comes out gambling strongly with a fair sized increase, what do you do?

1st of all ask yourself what kind of palm you happen to be up against. The possibilities are triples, another flush draw, a pair of Kings or a complete bluff, so as it stands you happen to be only winning towards the bluff with your Ace. About the other palm in case you hit a spade in the last two cards you may have the nut flush and could only lose to a full house or 4 of a kind.

To the face of it you could possibly assume that statistically you’ve about a fifty – fifty opportunity of hitting your spade, after all there is two cards to come and four suits so there must be about a half probability, proper?


You already have two of the spades in your hands and there’s one more 2 showing on the table, so you know five cards and four of them are spades. That suggests you’ve nine spades left available out of the 47 cards you have not seen, which is only a 42 per-cent probability of catching your flush.

When you do bet within the turn and don’t produce your flush, what do you do then? You have most likely now turn out to be pot-committed, you’ve put so significantly into the pot that you just might as effectively wager again on the river unless there is a huge increase or all-in in opposition to you, but now your chances of creating the flush have dropped dramatically to only twenty one per cent.

Except what of that other factor, the mysterious web poker syndrome? What I imply by that is although you statistically have a 42 percent chance of creating a flush, is that what in fact occurs in reality? In the event you wagered the exact same palm at the very same web poker table 100 times would you get a flush forty two times? From my personal encounter I doubt it. Flushes seem to come around a great deal much less frequently than 42 out of one hundred times!

That is just my own opinion and I’m sure the poker web sites would tell you a diverse story, except the way I see it is 42 per-cent is the quite Finest you’re ever going to have and you may effectively have a lot less probability than that of hitting your flush.

Bottom line? Chasing a flush on line is a quite risky strategy that sucks you in and over commits you, without giving you enough of a probability of pulling out the winning hand.

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