Concentrer l'attention sur Duke Annie

Friday, 9. July 2010

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Annie Duke pourraient ne pas avoir remporté son premier World Series of Poker bracelet jusqu'à 2004, mais Annie reste l'un des concurrents de poker les plus redoutés dans le ring games du Bellagio à Las Vegas. Annie la victoire attendue depuis longtemps WSOP est venu avec une victoire au jeu "oublié" d'Omaha Salut-Lo.

Alors que les joueurs de la foule "jeunes" du poker se déchaîner la suite d'un grand succès sur les tables, Annie rentre chez lui à «maman» à ses quatre enfants. Elle est née en NH et a grandi dans une famille de joueurs de poker. Si vous n'acceptez pas que regarder frère, Howard Lederer, quand il joue, qui lui a appris à participer au match.

Cependant, Annie Duke n'est pas une sorte de petits alevins de jeune fille et a remporté sa coupe de matches difficiles, ce qui comprend l'élimination de Howard à quelques reprises à plusieurs reprises.

Gagner plus de 3 millions de dollars en tournoi, Annie ramifié de devenir conseiller à la fois et Hollywood l'acteur Ben Affleck, qui aspiraient à développer ses techniques pour devenir un grand joueur de poker.

Vous pourriez juste aperçu son au Bellagio, vous l'attraper à la télévision et vous pouvez même rivaliser avec elle dans un jeu de poker en ligne, mais ne comptez pas sur une victoire simple. Sauf si vous êtes une étoile montante, vous ne serez pas sa défaite. Bien, ce serait amusant de dire vous vous êtes assis à la même table que "The Duke".

Focalizzare l'attenzione su Annie Duke

Friday, 9. July 2010

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Annie Duke potrebbe non avere vinto il suo primo World Series of Poker Bracciale fino al 2004, ma Annie rimane uno dei più temuti concorrenti di poker di tutto il ring games al Bellagio a Las Vegas. vittoria attesa da lungo tempo di Annie WSOP è venuto con una vittoria al "gioco dimenticato" di Omaha Hi-Lo.

Mentre i giocatori della "folla giovane" del poker impazziscono a seguito di un grande successo ai tavoli, Annie teste a casa per essere "mamma" ai suoi quattro figli. Nata nel NH e cresciuto in una famiglia di giocatori di poker. Se non si accetta che, guarda il suo fratello, Howard Lederer, quando suona, chi le ha insegnato come fare a competere nel gioco.

Tuttavia, Annie Duke non è un genere piccola frittura di ragazza e ha catturato il suo taglio di partite difficili, che include Howard eliminando un paio di volte in diverse occasioni.

Guadagnare oltre 3 milioni di dollari in tornei, Annie ramificata a diventare un consulente sia e Hollywood attore Ben Affleck, che aspiravano a sviluppare le sue tecniche per diventare un grande giocatore di poker.

Si potrebbe intravedere solo lei al Bellagio, avrai la sua cattura in televisione e si può persino arrivare a competere contro di lei in un gioco di poker online, ma non contare su una vittoria semplice. A meno che non sei una stella nascente, non sarà la sua sconfitta. anche se, che sarebbe stato divertente per dire tu seduto allo stesso tavolo come "The Duke".

Free Net Poker Room

Tuesday, 6. July 2010

Do you enjoy a casual game of poker with your close friends and wish you could play someday in the good stakes casino game? If that’s the case then you most likely know you’ll require lots of practice before you’re prepared for the large time, but the question is; wherever do you acquire it?. The greatest spot to understand the finer points of poker, and obtain in lots of practice, is inside a absolutely free net poker space. There are numerous places on the internet wherever you’ll be able to bet on poker for no cost, but a very good no cost internet poker room will offer far more then just a spot to play.

A top rated free web poker space will offer you several diverse games to select from including 7 Card Stud, Omaha high, Omaha hi-low Hi/Lo, 5 Card Stud, and Texas holdem, among others. The rules of each casino game are carefully described and there are plenty of hints given about the art of wagering. In a absolutely free net poker room you are able to learn from the pros and have a much superior idea of which hands to bet on and how a lot to bet. It is free to sign up and play and there is never any stress. You possibly can play whenever you want for as long as you would like from the comfort of your own home.

In the free of cost world wide web poker space you’ll get the practice you have to prepare to move on to the next level. It is enjoyable and exciting, and once you are prepared to begin betting for real, you’ll be prepared to compete effectively. Give it a try these days. You will be glad you did.

Hold em for Poker Enthusiasts

Sunday, 4. July 2010

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Texas holdem is the most well-known of the community card poker games and in western America it would be the greatest poker variant bet in casinos. Though the casino game could be bet by up to twenty two players, it’s usually wagered with between 2 men and women or 10. Texas hold’em is considered probably the most positional of all poker variants as its wagering order is fixed throughout all wagering rounds.

A close appear at Texas hold em

Placing the blinds The famous game in community card poker, Texas holdem begins with 2 players to the left of the croupier keeping out several amount of cash which has been determined earlier. This could be the initial cash to obtain the casino game started and is called Placing the blinds.

� The complete deck of fifty-two betting cards is shuffled

� Pocket cards: Every gambler is dealt 2 cards face down which is your hole or pocket cards

� The person to the left of the 2 who placed the blinds will begin the round of betting

� You possibly can check, raise or fold like several other poker games

� To prevent foul play, the croupier discards the top card of the decks soon right after the betting rounds end

� Three cards which are faced up come for the table. It’s termed flop and are handled by the croupier

� Feel no cost to use it in combination with 2 pocket cards to make a poker hand

� The next wagering session begins using the player who is around the dealer’s left

� Again, the dealer burns yet another card and flips a lot more onto the table. Termed the turn card, players can use this sixth card and form a 5 card poker hand

� There’s another round of wagering beginning from the player about the croupier’s left. The croupier burns a card a keeps the last card on table known as the river. You now get an opportunity to use any of the five table cards or two pocket cards to form a 5 card poker hand.

� Soon after the final round of wagering with the player to the left of the croupier beginning initial, all the players who’s in the casino game reveals their hands.

� The player who is seated left to the last gambler calls very first

� The gambler using the finest hand wins

Hold em is an easy game to play except takes sometime to master. The greatest way to learn the game is to bet on free of charge at the begin and then wager on for money whenever you really feel you’re ready.

Poker Webpages

Friday, 2. July 2010

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Die meisten Online-Spielhallen wird irgendeine Art von Poker-Angebot entspricht. Die Methode, um zu sehen, wenn ein Online-Casino ist über Bord wird durch die Auswahl der Spiele, die es präsentiert. An den meisten casino net, du bist eher Video-Poker zu sehen und auch Wettbewerb zu spielen. Wenn Sie in erster Linie in Wetten auf Poker gelockt werden, müssen Sie in das Spiel an einem Poker-only-Pokerraum suchen.

Genau wie bessere Internet Spielhallen wird eine Auswahl von Spielen, wie Steckplätze bieten, Baccarat chemin de fer, Poker, 21 und mehr, wird Poker-Webseiten haben eine Reihe von Poker-Spiele. Geschicktesten Pokerspieler haben ein Spiel, das sie am meisten lieben, sie mag es aufgrund der Tatsache, dass sie häufiger als nicht gelingen. Bei Pokerräumen, werden Sie definitiv erlaubt werden, von Seven Card Stud, Five Card Stud, Hold'em, wirklich jede Art von Poker-Variante um zu wählen. Bei einer Nicht-Poker-Webseite, kann es nur ein paar Varianten zur Auswahl sein.

Die Wahl der Poker-Optionen ist nur eine Wahl. Pay-out-Raten sind auch äußerst kritisch. Es ist nicht ausreichend, um einen Poker-Raum, bietet Holdem zu lokalisieren; Sie brauchen, um für eine Hold'em Spiel, das eine gute Auszahlungsrate ist zu beobachten. Nicht alle Pokerräume sind gleich, entweder ihre Preise Auszahlung oder die Art der Schnittstelle.

Es könnten ein paar Spiele zu lokalisieren, wo Sie sich wohler werden. Die meisten Pokerräume höchstwahrscheinlich vor bankrolls in Ordnung zu bringen in Spieler. Ein Spieler kann dann testen Sie die Website zu entdecken, wenn er den Stil des Spiels begünstigt. Es ist auch möglich, ohne Risiko spielen, um Hilfe bekommen ein Gefühl für den Ort. Es ist bevorzugt, dass Sie mindestens spielen ein paar Poker-Websites zu analysieren und zu prüfen, verschiedene Arten von Spielen.

Poker Site Web

Friday, 2. July 2010

[ English ]

La plupart des salles de jeu en ligne offrira une sorte de poker matches. La méthode pour voir si un casino en ligne est au-dessus-bord est de la sélection des jeux qu'il présente. Au casino le plus net, vous êtes plus susceptible de voir le vidéo poker et le jeu concours également. Si vous êtes attirés principalement dans les paris sur le poker, vous devez regarder en jouant dans une salle de poker poker seule.

Tout comme une meilleure salles de jeu d'Internet offrira une sélection de jeux, tels que les machines à sous, baccara chemin de fer, de poker, vingt et un ans et plus, les pages Web de poker ont une gamme de jeux de poker. La plupart des joueurs de poker habiles ont un jeu qu'ils aiment le plus, ils aiment ce dû au fait qu'ils réussissent le plus souvent. Les salles de poker, vous aurez certainement être autorisés à choisir parmi Seven Card Stud, Five Card Stud, Hold'em, vraiment tout type de variation de poker. Lors d'une page Web non-poker, il peut y avoir seulement quelques variantes au choix.

Le choix des options de poker est juste un choix. Les taux de paiement sont également très critique. Il ne suffit pas pour trouver une salle de poker qui offre Holdem, vous avez besoin de regarder pour un jeu de Hold'em qui a un taux de distribution bien. Pas toutes les salles de poker sont égaux, soit leur taux de paiement ou le type d'interface.

Cela peut prendre quelques jeux pour trouver où vous êtes plus à l'aise. La plupart des salles de poker bankroll front le plus probable pour mettre dans les lecteurs. Un joueur a alors la possibilité de tester le site pour découvrir s'il privilégie le style de jeu. Il est également possible de jouer à des jeux sans risque de se faire une idée des aides pour le site. Il est préférable que vous au moins jouer à un rares sites de poker pour analyser et examiner des styles de jeu différents.

Páginas de Poker

Friday, 2. July 2010

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

La mayoría de salas de juego en línea le ofrece algún tipo de póquer partidos. El método para ver si un casino en línea está por encima de a bordo se realiza mediante la selección de juegos que presenta. Al casino más neta, es más probable que vea el video poker y también juegan concurso. Si usted está tentado principalmente en apostar en el póquer, usted necesita mirar a tocar en una sala de poker poker-solamente.

Al igual que mejores salas de juego del Internet ofrecerá una selección de juegos, como tragamonedas, baccarat chemin de fer, el póker, veintiuna, y más, las páginas web de póquer tienen una serie de juegos de póker. La mayoría de los jugadores de póquer tienen un juego de habilidad que ellos más aman, les gusta por el hecho de que sale más a menudo que no. En las salas de póquer, que sin duda se le permitirá seleccionar de Seven Card Stud, Five Card Stud, Holdem, en realidad cualquier tipo de variación de póquer de todo. En una página web no es de póquer, sólo puede haber un par de variantes para elegir.

La elección de opciones de poker es sólo una opción. Los porcentajes de pago son también muy crítico. No es suficiente para ubicar una sala de póquer que ofrece Holdem, que hay que ver para un juego de Hold'em que tiene una buena tasa de pagos. No todas las salas de póquer son iguales, ya sea de sus tasas de pago o el tipo de interfaz.

El proceso puede durar unos cuantos juegos para localizar dónde se encuentra más a gusto. La mayoría de salas de póquer más probable es que financia parte delantera con el fin de traer a los jugadores. Un jugador es capaz de probar que el sitio para descubrir si está a favor de el estilo de juego. También es posible jugar a juegos sin riesgos para ayudar a conseguir una sensación para el sitio. Es preferible que al menos un juego en algunos sitios de póquer para analizar y considerar los diferentes estilos de juego.

Poker pagine web

Friday, 2. July 2010

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

La maggior parte delle sale da gioco online offrirà un qualche tipo di poker partite. Il metodo per verificare se un casinò online è al di sopra di bordo è la selezione di giochi che presenta. Al casino 'piu' netto, si hanno maggiori probabilità di vedere video poker e anche giocare concorso. Se siete attratti principalmente in scommesse poker, è necessario esaminare a giocare a una sala da poker poker-only.

Proprio come sale da gioco d'azzardo in internet meglio offrirà una selezione di giochi, come ad esempio slots, baccarat chemin de fer, poker, 21, e di più, le pagine web di poker avranno una serie di giochi di poker. I più abili giocatori di poker hanno un gioco che amo di più-a loro piaccia dovuto al fatto che riescono il più delle volte. Alle sale da poker, avrai sicuramente essere consentito di scegliere tra Seven Card Stud, Five Card Stud, Holdem, davvero ogni tipo di variante del poker in giro. In una pagina web non-poker, non ci può essere solo un paio di varianti tra cui scegliere.

La scelta delle opzioni poker è solo una scelta. Pagare i prezzi sono anche estremamente critici. Non è sufficiente per individuare una sala da poker che offre Holdem, è necessario guardare per un gioco Hold'em che ha un buon tasso di payout. Non tutte le sale da poker sono uguali, né i loro tassi di pagamento o il tipo di interfaccia.

Si potrebbe prendere un paio di partite per individuare dove sono più a mio agio. La maggior parte delle sale da poker bankroll fronte probabilmente al fine di portare in giocatori. Un giocatore è in grado di testare poi il sito per scoprire se egli ama lo stile di gioco. E 'anche possibile giocare senza rischi per ottenere un aiuto sentire per il sito. E 'preferibile che almeno giocare a pochi siti di poker per analizzare e prendere in considerazione diversi stili di gioco.

Why Play Holdem Poker?

Thursday, 1. July 2010

You may possibly have been betting poker all of your life or you might have just picked up the game. Either way, it’s difficult not to notice that one sort of poker has increased in recognition: Texas Holdem. Texas Hold’em, generally just called "Texas Hold em," seems to be the game that everyone is playing. Wondering if you should be betting Hold`em, too? Here is a few reasons why you may take into account making Texas Hold’em your game.

One. It’s simple to learn

You have got two cards in your hand, you share five community cards with the other gamblers at the table and you generate your finest 5 card poker hand out of those seven. Now you have already got the fundamentals of Hold em. To become certain, there is far more to it than that. There’s the framework and routine of betting to think about and of course you will discover particulars to the casino game, that is what makes it so interesting and fun, but the general rules are uncomplicated.

2. You are able to usually find a game

Because Hold em has become so well-liked, games are plentiful. Both on the net and in casinos, you can come across Texas Hold’em games of any buy-in and structure at any time and most of the time every seat will be full. With less common games such as Omaha and Seven Card Stud, it could be hard to have a great game and maintain it heading for any extended amount of time.

3. The learning curve is steep

The popularity of Hold em has given rise to a plethora of books for the topic. In addition to the Super/System books, which both have considerable portions on Texas Hold em, favorite players such as David Sklansky and Tom McEvoy have authored numerous books for the subject of Texas Hold em (Sklansky’s "Theory of Poker" is considered required reading for any serious poker player).
These and numerous other great books on the topic, enable you to receive very good fast.

4. Tournaments.

While you possibly can bet on tournament style poker with any poker game, Texas Hold’em is the most common format for poker tournaments. With its blind structure of wagering, Holdem is perfectly designed for tournaments, which require to become set up to keep the action rising. It’s also fantastic for the spectators, who can see five out of the seven cards the players are working with. If poker tournaments are heading being your thing, you wish to know Hold`em.

5. Action action action.

Hold em is an action casino game. There is frequently a fantastic deal of money going into the pot in the very first couple of rounds and this makes for more excitement. It also makes for healthier pots when you do win them, that is exciting for everyone. Also, the short-period luck factor can turn anybody into a winner on any given day, which keeps all the gamblers, excellent and bad, coming back for a lot more.

There are many unique varieties of poker and all have their own particulars and nuances that can entertain a gambler. For those who are just beginning in poker, though, it frequently helps to start by focusing on one casino game and then broadening your repertoire as you turn out to be more comfortable. For the reasons defined above, Texas Hold em is really a great way to introduce yourself to the world of poker.